Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

167 Mediatization, polis , and frontier events: analysis of the newsworthiness about the CUT BRA-PY-AR Ada C. Machado da Silveira 1 Abstract: The text presents reflections on the mediatization pro- cess and its implications for the newsworthiness of the Brazilian periphery. The study of the newsworthiness of peripheral spaces, notably the international frontier, when taken beyond the geopo- litical aspect or the primacy of the State, allows bringing elements that aid in the understanding of the singularity and the interac- tions therein that are definitely affected by globalization. It aims to highlight the multiple interests and implications for the me- diatization of the polis and the newsworthiness of the periphery when studying the so-called Trans-frontier Urban Complex (CUT), constituted by three distinct cities congregated in the same urban fabric, although belonging to three different nation-states, namely Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentine. The escalation of the media incre- ment, observable by the pattern of events constructed as frontier events, enshrines the progression of the institutionalized media logic. It also allows questions about the mediatization of the polis and newsworthiness of the periphery in terms of its militarization. Keywords: Mediatization. Newsworthiness. Periphery. I – Introduction The text presents reflections about the process of medi- atization and its implications to the newsworthiness in the Bra- zilian periphery. The study of the newsworthiness of peripheral 1 Full Professor of the Graduate Program in Communication at Universidade Fed- eral de Santa Maria (UFSM). E-mail: