Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

77 Industrial dimension of mediatization: inquiry from cultural industries approach Ilya Kiriya 1 Abstract: This paper places the ongoing mediatization main- ly driven by digital technology within the context of indus- trialization of culture which is the phenomenon studied at least during last 80 years. Digital mediatization pushes some domains of the everyday life inside media industries which transforms the balance of forces on the market and contrib- ute to the industrialization of more broad domains of the cul- ture such as performing arts, education etc. We can see ap- pearing the new schemes of the division of labor in that fields. I – Introduction The media now are everywhere. The theory of media- tization is about their complexity and their intertwining rela- tionship with different social institutions (HEPP; HJARVARD; LUNDBY , 2015). Such ongoing intensification of the relationship between media and social life is drastically changing the media landscape of developed countries and the configuration of busi - ness models, as well as the balance between content producers, distributers, platforms. We propose to examine this ongoing process from the point of view of the political economy of com- munication, so the discipline dealing with “the way communica- tion goods are produced and unequally distributed across the 1 E-mail: