Redes, sociedade e pólis: recortes epistemológicos na midiatização

Mario Carlón 228 nuestra época la supervivencia de discursos que contienen imá- genes en los cuales han dejado huellas dispositivos y lenguajes generados en la historia profunda de la mediatización. Es a es- tos fenómenos a los que nos referimos cuando hablamos de un incremento de la complejidad. En lo que hace a la circulación, distinguiremos dos macroprocesos: las nuevas guerrillas semio- lógicas y la circulación desbordada. Y nos detendremos en dos lógicas: el poder de los enunciadores y el poder de los discursos. Será en el seno de estos desarrollos que diferenciaremos la vida actual de las imágenes mediáticas modernas, las posmoder- nas y las emergentes contemporáneas en su nueva y compleja interacción. Palabras clave: Circulación. Mediatización. Imágenes. Poder. Contemporáneo. Abstract: We don’t understand contemporary society yet. As regard images, one of the main reasons is that we have not yet constituted the conceptual and analytical tools necessary to account for their new statutes, which must be considered in relation to the new mediatization and circulation of mean - ing. In this text we propose some hypotheses. In relation with mediatization, it is necessary to take distance from generalist discourses. What characterizes our era is the emergence of a set of specific images such as selfies, gifts, memes, vlogs, and so on. But what should be the analytical approach that should be applied to their study? It is necessary to privilege circulation. But our time is also characterized by the survival of speeches that contain images in which they have left traces of devices and languages generated in the deep history of mediatization. That is why there is an increase in complexity. With regard to circulation, we will distinguish two macro-processes: the new semiological guerrillas and the overflowing circulation. And we will delve into two logics: the power of enunciators and the power of speeches. We differentiate the current life from mod - ern, postmodern and contemporary media images emerging in their new and complex interaction. Keywords: Circulation. Mediatization. Images. Contemporary. Power.